Arbor Answers FAQs

Did you write the code?
No. The amazing people at Mapsys inc. (Columbus, Ohio) are the code writers. We give them our ideas for how we want the software to look and perform and they bring it to life!

How long have you been working on the software?
We started the development of the software in mid-2018. After 2+ years of development we launched it with Russell Tree Experts in August of 2021.

Who else is using the software? 
Russell Tree Experts is currently the only user of the software.

When do you plan to start making the software available to other companies? 
We are still working to make it the very best software possible for Russell Tree Experts and we hope to have the software available to others starting in the late fall of 2023.

Does your software support tree work and plant health care?
Yes. Once a customer signs a quote that includes tree work and plant health care tasks, the software automatically divides it out into two different workflows. 

Can customers log in to see their work?
Yes, they have their very own portal that displays everything pertaining to their job.

Do you have a way to have internal notes for a job that is hidden from the customer?
Yes. Every work order has an “crew notes” box where you can provide information specifically for the crew.

Is this an app that you download? 
No, this is a website-based application so all you need is an internet connection and a web browser.

How much is this software going to cost once you make it available to other companies?
We are still working through our pricing model. Stay tuned.